One of the great difficulties with so many great books style seminars is that too much reading is covered in...
Confucius is reported to have said, in one of his collected aphorisms, “Isn’t it a joy to greet friends from...
Thanks for joining me and for your great feedback from our first lesson on the Forgotten Art of Reading. If...
Welcome to our free series on the Forgotten Art of Slow Reading…something that we feel pretty passionate about here at...
The following submission is a repost by one of our Symposium seminar leaders, Reynaldo Miranda. We hope you enjoy! I...
(A continuation of a previous reflection, here.) It is not only C. S. Lewis the philologist who raises this important...
Plato’s dialogue The Phaedrus, is itself, in its entirety, an articulation of the faith-hope-and-love that sustains aloft and makes possible...
Part I | Part II After his conviction and sentencing, Socrates continued to engaged in “big talk.” So it appears...
Part I | Part III Hermogenes also reported what Socrates said at the trial, showing “that his boastful speech fitted his...
Part II | Part III Symposium met weekly to read slowly and carefully three Socratic writings by Xenophon: Apology of Socrates to...