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Briana Saussy
Experience & Activities
I am a mother, reader, and thinker and I don’t believe those things can or should be mutually exclusive. My love affair with the classic great works of both Western and Eastern civilizations started over 10 years ago with the undergraduate program and then the Eastern Classics Masters program at St. Johns College. I then went on to San Francisco where I co-founded and led seminars at the Symposium Great Books Institute San Francisco. Originally from San Antonio, when my husband and I moved back home and started a family of our own as well as a full-time business and writing a book (due to be out Spring 2019).
I knew that I did not want to lose the opportunity to stretch, open, and exercise my mind. I am thankful to David and others for making that opportunity available again! Every time I sit down at the table-whether at a physical location or in our virtual institute – I feel grateful to share thoughts and meaningful conversations with my peers, excited to have encountered another masterful work, and privileged to have the opportunity to read so many great works and have so many conversations that really matter. These books and the ideas within them have the power to change your life, to deepen your thinking, to make your relationships more meaningful-exploring them requires endurance and courage but the rewards are well worth the risk. Hope to see you at the table soon!